2021, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2021; 16 (1)
Is the tyranny of the Ethics committees in health research a reality?
Trillos-Peña CE
Language: Spanish
References: 41
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Purpose/Context. In the present article is made an analysis of the role that
the ethics and research committees must fulfill to protect the volunteers who
participate in the studies. This without forgetting their functions on research
promotion and generation of knowledge as a social responsibility, which over
time has been distorted.
Methodology/Approach. I review the evolution of ethics in research, which
arises as a response to bad practices that undermined human dignity. That press
to rethink the way we investigate, with the emergence of international standards,
recommendations and legal regulations that promoted informed consent
and the establishment of research ethics committees.
Results/Findings. As part of sequence analysis, shows how these organisms
have become important now. In many parts of the planet cannot research without
the approval of the committees. This goes in favor of the subjects in the
investigation, but with bad handling, and inadequate must generate an exercise
of power, with tyranny.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. This analysis and reflection are based
on the global bioethics of Henk ten Have. The author works about these and
takes into account the responsibility and duty of research as a global and inter-
generational responsibility, which we must exercise as citizens of the world.
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