2021, Number 2
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2021; 16 (2)
Importance of implementing and disseminating the Advance Will Law in Mexico
Ordóñez-Vázquez NA, Monroy-Nasr Z
Language: Spanish
References: 39
PDF size: 205.51 Kb.
Purpose/Context. Identify through a questionnaire if people with different sociodemographic
characteristics living in the Mexican Republic know the importance
of the Advance Will Law (LVA).
Methodology/Approach. An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional quantitative
study was performed. An opinion survey of the general population was
carried out with a national representation; the margin of error was +/- 3.46%
with a confidence level of 95%.
Results/Findings. 49.6% of the people surveyed do not know the LVA and
41.4% consider that it would help people to have a dignified death. As for the
question of whether this law exists in their state, 63% think they do not know;
and regarding the question of whether in the state in which they live it is necessary
to implement the LVA, 41.3% totally agree.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. In this study it was observed that the
population does not have information about this law and expresses their interest
in knowing and affirming that they agree with a dignified death, avoiding
suffering and pain.
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