2021, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2021; 22 (1)
The psychosocial work environment in the covid-19 stage
Oramas VA
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 70-75
PDF size: 230.94 Kb.
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic threatens health and life and coexists with mental health problems derived from sustained exposure to high tensions. Work contexts are vulnerable to contagion with the virus and psychosocial dangers and damages such as stress with its physiological and emotional correlates.
Objectives: The aim is to make visible the potential impact of the pandemic on the psychosocial work environment, directly by assessing the biological risk and indirectly by the changes it has caused in working conditions and ways of working.
Development: A set of recommendations is proposed that can be used by managers of health and safety at work, the working population and managers.
Conclusions: Develop actions that help prevent the evolution towards chronicity of a morbid process in the psychosocial work environment that affects the health and well-being of people and job performance.
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