2021, Number 1
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Rev Med UAS 2021; 11 (1)
Prevalence of burnout syndrome in students of a medical school
Martínez-García JJ, Canizalez-Román A, León-Sicairos N
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 37-47
PDF size: 94.28 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the prevalence of burnout syndrome in students of a medical school and to evaluate the internal consistency
of the one-dimensional scale of student burnout (EUBE).
Material and methods. A descriptive and prospective survey was conducted
on a sample of 843 students from first to fifth year of a medical school, from September to December 2017. A self-administered
survey was applied using the EUBE.
Results. The prevalence of mild burnout syndrome was 85.9%, moderate 11.5%, and severe
0.5%. The female sex and the average socioeconomic levelw were the variables that presented a statistical association p ‹0.05. The
internal consistency and reliability of the scale was good, Cronbach's alpha of 86.4%.
Conclusion. With the results obtained,
psychosocial strategies or supports could be implemented to improve learning. The EUBE was consistent and reliable
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