2021, Number 1
Preliminary Phytochemical Study of Solanum crinitum Lam. (Solanaceae family) and Analysis of its Microbiological Activity
Language: Portugués
References: 20
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 399.03 Kb.
Introduction: The species Solanum crinitum Lam., Commonly known as Jurubeba is native to South America, concentrating mainly in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. Its fruits are of great medicinal importance, acting in anti-inflammatory and healing processes.Objetive: Describe steroidal compounds and microbiological activity of Solanum crinitum Lam. Methods: The fruits of Solanum crinitum Lam were collected in August 2007 at Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brasil. The plant was identified as Solanum crinitum Lam., by comparing the plant material and was included in the collection of the Herbarium of the Faculty São Lucas, with the registration No. 4784 and 2682.
Results: The extracts were obtained by maceration, decoction and Soxhlet apparatus until total exhaustion of the plant material. The extracts were concentrated to syrup by vacuum distillation. Soon the syrup was chromatographed for the recognition of the main compounds in the extract. From the chromatographic study it was possible to observe six spots with different Rf. A phytochemical approach of the extract was performed. To analyze the fungicidal activity of the extract the modified Kirby-Bauer test was used.
Conclusions: According to the phytochemical approach we identified: alkaloids, sapogenins, coumarins, tannins, steroids, flavonoids, cardiotonic glycosides. The fungicidal activity of the extract was demonstrated, with wide inhibition for Candida albicans. From the extract, it was possible to isolate and identify six steroidal compounds, such as solasodine, diosgenin, yucagenin, yamogenin, solasodiene, and diosgenin diene.
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