2021, Number 1
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2021; 11 (1)
Anatomía quirúrgica del trasplante renal: ejemplificando la incorporación de la anatomía en las ciencias no médicas
Redondo-Sáenz D, Cortés-Salas C
Language: Spanish
References: 61
PDF size: 204.33 Kb.
Anatomy is of vital importance in health sciences.
Although its centrality is demonstrated in
disciplines such as Medicine, in others such as
Nursing it remains doubtful as its importance tries
to be explained through subjects of interest aside
from the correspondent disciplinary focus. The
current bibliographic review aims to exemplify
the importance of this discipline in Nursing by
describing the surgical anatomy of renal transplant
and its relationship with the most prevalent nursing
diagnoses in this period. The problem-based
learning methodology allowed to understand the
updates in the anatomical bases of renal transplant’s
surgical technique and its influence in the nursing
diagnoses present before, during, and after surgery.
It is concluded that anatomy constitutes a science
of vital importance for the education and practice
of all health sciences, while it exists a bidirectional
feedback between morphological sciences and
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