2021, Number 1
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Rev Cub Oftal 2021; 34 (1)
Prevalence of visual impairment among adult diabetics in Cuba
Rodríguez RBN, Río TM, Padilla GCM, Barroso LR, González PA, Fernández ML, Molina SY, Torres GO, Cheon QM, González RL, Molina CC, Nápoles ÁA, Sureda MM, Avila BD
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1-27
PDF size: 633.99 Kb.
Describe visual impairment among diabetics aged 50 years and over, and the coverage of ophthalmological care in Cuba in the year 2016.
A descriptive cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted based on the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness survey developed in Cuba in the year 2016, which included diabetic retinopathy with validation by the World Health Organization. The data obtained from the questionnaires were transferred to a database of visually impaired known and unknown diabetics.
Prevalence of any sort of visual impairment among diabetics is 25.4% (21.8-28.9). Risk of developing moderate visual impairment, severe visual impairment or blindness is 19.4% (16.5-22.3), 2.8% (1.0-4.6) and 3.2% (1.5-4.8), respectively. Cataract is the leading cause of impairment. Risk of visual impairment among diabetics is similar in the two sexes and increases with age. Treatment coverage is low.
In Cuba, about one fourth of the diabetics are at some risk of visual impairment. Diabetics are at a higher risk of moderate visual impairment. However, the risk of severe visual impairment and blindness is the same as for the population aged 50 years and over. Cataract and diabetic retinopathy are the most common causes of visual impairment among diabetics. Difficulties were found in ophthalmological care, including examination and treatment coverage for cataract and laser therapy for diabetic retinopathy.
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