2021, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2021; 47 (1)
B-Lynch Hemostatic Suture in the Control of Bleeding Due to Uterine Atony Refractory to Conventional Treatment
Aguilar EJA, Navarro ME, Santana IO
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 121.26 Kb.
Introduction: Postpartum hemorrhage continues to be one of the main causes of
maternal death in the world despite the advances made in its management. The
causes that produce it include uterine atony, trauma, lacerations, retention of
products of conception and coagulation disorders.
Objective: To establish the control of postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine
atony, using the conservative surgical technique called B-Lynch sutures.
Case report: A 29-year-old puerperal woman, with 4 pregnancies (previously, 2
deliveries and 1 induced abortion), assisted at Ramón González Coro Gynecoobstetric
Hospital in Havana, Cuba, had her delivery by cesarean section at 40.1
weeks of gestation, due to prolapse of the cord in December 2020. She had
abundant bleeding during the intraoperative period, consequently, uterine
massage was performed and uterotonics was used but they did not solve the
bleeding. It was decided to perform a conservative technique with B Lynch sutures
and it was successfully possible to control postpartum hemorrhage and preserve
the uterus. The patient evolved with no complications for 8 days, complying with
the antibiotic protocol in the surgical puerperium room, at which point she was
discharged and followed up in the outpatient clinic.
Conclusions: Hemorrhage control using the conservative B Lynch suture technique
was successful in this patient with atony refractory to conventional drug
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