2022, Number 3
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (3)
Spinal cord compression in cancer patients
Soriano-Lorenzo J, Rojas-Argüelles P, Pons-Leyva D, González-Rojas D, Leyva-Coll G
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 606-616
PDF size: 205.09 Kb.
Spinal cord compression syndrome is defined as the symptoms and signs produced
by compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots that form the cauda equina due to
any lesion related to underlying neoplastic disease. It is the second most frequent
neurological complication in cancer patients after brain metastases. It is estimated that
it affects approximately 5% of cancer patients. It occurs mainly as a complication in
patients affected by lung, breast, prostate cancer and multiple myeloma. Spinal cord
compression syndrome is an oncological emergency in which early diagnosis and
treatment largely determine the patient’s functional prognosis. Its symptoms generally
develop gradually over hours, days, or weeks, which varies depending on the
biological behavior of the primary tumor. Magnetic resonance imaging is considered
the imaging study of choice for the diagnosis of spinal cord compression syndrome.
Treatment includes corticosteroids, radiation therapy, surgery, and chemotherapy. A
search for original articles, systematic and narrative reviews was performed in the
PubMed and Scielo database. From the review of 45 selected articles, a description of
the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of this syndrome was made. Special
attention was paid to the different available diagnostic means and the therapeutic
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