2022, Number 3
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (3)
Prevalence of cutaneous lymphoma attended at the Dermatology service of a second level hospital in Mexico
Uribe-Franco RC, Puebla-Miranda M
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 526-537
PDF size: 216.85 Kb.
Objective: To know the prevalence of primary cutaneous lymphoma, as well as
sociodemographic data, risk factors and mortality of patients suffering it treated in the
Dermatology Service of Hospital Juarez de Mexico.
Materials and Methods: An observational, descriptive, retrospective, single-center
study was done comparing frequency percentages with data obtained from the clinical
records of patients with primary cutaneous lymphoma treated at the Dermatology
Service of Hospital Juarez de Mexico.
Results: Non-Hodgkin type lymphomas were the most frequent in our institution and
of these type T was the most frequent. The three lymphomas documented in order of
frequency were extranodal T NK cell lymphoma nasal type, peripheral T lymphoma,
and mycosis fungoides; unlike the international literature, it affected more frequently
to women.
Conclusions: Primary cutaneous lymphoma has a prevalence of 0.098%. In our
hospital, it is more frequent in women, and the main type is extranodal T-cell lymphoma
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