2022, Number 3
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (3)
Indication and adherence to venous thromboprophylaxis in a hospital of Cartagena, Colombia
Bornacelly A, Moreno-Pallares ED
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 514-525
PDF size: 228.86 Kb.
Objective: To describe the indication and adherence to thromboprophylaxis in the
Internal Medicine service of a reference Hospital in Cartagena, Colombia.
Materials and Methods: Non-experimental, observational, descriptive, crosssectional
study with a two-dimensional approach in which clinical records of patients
hospitalized in internal medicine were analyzed and medical personnel belonging
to the internal medicine service were surveyed to explore their knowledge of the
ACCP- 9.
Results: Two hundred seventy-three patients and forty physicians were included.
The global adherence to thromboprophylaxis was 76.2%, the pharmacological was
the most prescribed, with adequate doses and duration in 95% and 97% of the cases,
respectively; with an underuse of 15.4%. A 30% of the physicians recorded the Padua
scale in their medical records and 90% of the medical personnel had adequate knowledge
of the thromboprophylaxis guidelines.
Conclusions: It is necessary to increase education and knowledge of thromboprophylaxis
protocols in medical personnel.
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