2022, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (3)
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on breast cancer screening and how to act quickly and safely
Sollozo-Dupont I, Galván-Espinoza HA, Castillo-López JP, Benítez-López EO, Rocha-Nava SL, Villaseñor-Navarro Y
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 333-339
PDF size: 303.23 Kb.
Prolonged delays in breast cancer screening related to the
Covid-19 pandemic may lead to delayed diagnoses, poor
health consequences, and an increase in cancer disparities
among women already experiencing health inequities. There is
a void in empirical high-quality evidence to support a specific
strategy for administering cancer screening during a pandemic
and its resolution phase, but several pragmatic considerations
can help guide its recovery and ensure its continuity. One of
these strategies is to address the backlogs in the diagnostic
and follow-up of breast cancer, designing programs that align
with the current epidemiological situation. Here, we present
some approaches for the generation of breast cancer detection
programs which embody recommendations and obligations
to overcome the SARS-CoV-2. With this initiative, we
reinforce our commitment to advance health care by ensuring
more women have access to preventive care.
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