2022, Number 3
Methodology of an internet survey for men who have sex with men in Mexico
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 311-319
PDF size: 502.21 Kb.
Objective. To describe the design, implementation and profile of participants in the Sex Between Men Survey (ES entre Hombres). Materials and methods. ES entre Hombres is an online non-probabilistic survey applied at a national level to men 18 years of age or older, who have sex with men (MSM) and who use the internet. The target population was recruited through advertising on various online meeting sites and the questionnaires were self-administered using SurveyGizmo. Results. During 11 weeks a total of 15 875 eligible participants completed a self-applied questionnaire in 32 Mexican states. Most of the participants were young people (‹29 years old; 65.7%) and people who access the internet daily (94.3%). Conclusion. Internet surveys for populations such as MSM represent a cost-effective method for population-based studies, since they have the potential to save resources and reach large samples sizes, providing geographic coverage at a low cost.REFERENCES
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