2022, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (3)
Behavioral and normative beliefs that influence Mexican consumers to purchase packaged food in urban supermarkets
Alcalde-Rabanal JE, Nieto C, Carriedo Á, Mena C, Barquera S
Language: English
References: 37
Page: 280-289
PDF size: 283.48 Kb.
Objective. To identify the behavioral and normative believes
factors that might have major influence on the decision to
buy packaged foods in urban Mexican families.
and methods. We performed a cross-sectional study in
four urban cities of Mexico. Participants responded a selfadministered
questionnaire (n=3 340) outside of randomly
selected supermarkets. A factor analysis was performed to
identify what were the main behavioral and normative believes
explaining consumers’ decision when buying packaged foods.
Results. Three factors explained the behavioral beliefs: the
quality assessment of packaged foods explained 61% of the
variance, products that maintain weight explained 25%, and
the emotional experience with foods explained 13%. Three
factors explained the normative beliefs: expectations of children
and partner explained 46% of the variance, expectations
from the participants’ closest friends 23%, and expectation
from other family members explained 14%.
Behavioral and normative beliefs related to assessing the quality
of foods and meeting family expectations respectively are
the main beliefs factors affecting consumers’ packaged food
purchase decisions in urban consumers.
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