2022, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (3)
Dietary intake of the Mexican population: comparing food group contribution to recommendations, 2012-2016
Aburto TC, Batis C, Pedroza-Tobías A, Pedraza LS, Ramírez-Silva I, Rivera JA
Language: English
References: 47
Page: 267-279
PDF size: 341.69 Kb.
Objective. To estimate energy contribution (EC) of food
groups in 2016, to compare consumption against Mexican
Dietary Guidelines, and to examine changes in EC from 2012
to 2016.
Materials and methods.We analyzed 24-hour
dietary recalls from the 2012 and 2016 National Health and
Nutrition Surveys (Ensanut). Foods and beverages were classified
into eight food groups: cereals, legumes, dairy, meats,
fruit and vegetables, fats and oils, sugar-sweetened beverages,
and high in saturated fat and added sugar (HSFAS) products.
Results. Cereals had the highest EC (30.1%), followed by
meats (15.9%), HSFAS products (15.5%), and SSBs (10.5%).
Fruits and vegetables, and legumes had the lowest contribution
with 6.4 and 3.8%, respectively. SSBs, meats, and HSFAS
products were 250, 59 and 55% above the recommended
intake, respectively.
Conclusions. This analysis confirms
the need to generate a food environment conducive to a
healthier diet.
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