2022, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (3)
Prevalence of nutritional status in Mexican newborns by weight and leght at birth: an analysis of Sinac birth certificates
López-Rodríguez G, Galván-García M, Galván-Valencia O
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 259-266
PDF size: 547.97 Kb.
Objective. To describe the national by federal entity
prevalence of the nutritional status of weight and length at
Materials and methods. Cross-sectional descriptive
study. Data from 1 907 341 alive newborns in 2017,
registered in the Subsistema de Información sobre Nacimientos
(Sinac), were analyzed. The percentiles for weight and length
were estimated in the INTERGROWTH-21st platform.
The prevalence of small gestational age (SGA) and
insufficient length (IL) was 7.4 and 4.8%, respectively. Differences
in the prevalence of IL, SGA and large for the gestational
age (LGA) by sex were recorded (p ‹0.01). The entities with
the highest prevalence of SGA were Estado de México and
Yucatán (10.4%); Sonora (15.3%) and Baja California Sur
(16.8%) of LGA.
Conclusion. Sizing the nutritional status at
birth allows the identification of entities that require targeted
actions to reduce the risks associated with malnutrition.
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