2022, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (3)
Seric IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 pre- and post- Covid-19 pandemic from Mexican asymptomatic subjects
Aguirre-Cruz L, Guzmán-García M, Acosta-Castillo I, de la Cruz-Aguilera DL, Landero-Isidro I, Pérez-González JP, Chávez-Duarte J, Leyva-Rendón A
Language: English
References: 40
Page: 249-258
PDF size: 293.38 Kb.
Objective. To detect serum IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 in preand
post- Covid-19 pandemic in Mexican asymptomatic
subjects in order to know the degree of viral dispersion.
Materials and methods. Association of serum IgG
antibodies (determined by ELISA) to sociodemographic and
clinical data or contact with Covid-19 cases in three groups
of subjects: 1) Covid-19 pre-pandemic blood donors (n=
538); 2) Covid-19 post-pandemic blood donors (n= 243); 3)
Covid-19 post-pandemic neurological patients (n= 312). None
of the subjects studied had been vaccinated.
Results. The
positive rate of IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 was notably higher in
participants recruited during the pandemic (donors, 29.6%;
neurological patients, 15.7%) than in those recruited pre-pandemic
(donors 0.6%) (p <0.001). Other conditions associated
to antibody positivity were being a worker in sales or services,
or having had previous contact with people with Covid-19,
for donnors and neurological patients, and having diabetes
mellitus, for neurological patients. Higher positivity levels of
anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG were found in females than in males.
The highest proportion of subjects with anti-SARS-CoV-2
antibodies was found in central Mexico.
Conclusions. The
dispersion of SARS-CoV-2 in asymptomatic, unvaccinated
subjects (donors and neurological patients) recruited in a
Mexican health institution, who work in sales or services or
had previously had contact with Covid-19 patients is 16 to
30%. The level of positivity for anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG is higher
in females than in males. SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence
follow-up studies must be favored among the general
population, being mandatory for donors.
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