2022, Number 1
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2022; 39 (1)
Complications of chickenpox in children associated with the use of NSAIDs, in a Hospital of the North of Mexico. Period 2008-2018
de Lara-Huerta J, Sánchez-González N, Reyes-Gómez U, Guerrero-Becerra M, Reyes-Hernández MU, Santamaría-Arza C, Reyes-Hernández KL, Reina-Bautista É, Alonso-Pérez NC, Aguilar-Figueroa ÉS, Miguel-Reyes A, Matos-Alviso LJ, Luévanos-Velázquez A
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 3-14
PDF size: 340.55 Kb.
Given the lack of information on the incidence of chickenpox complications, and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), the following protocol was developed in the study of children hospitalized in the Infectology
Department of the University Children’s Hospital of Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico, between the years of 2008 to 2018. It
was designated as a case that covered the clinical criteria of vesicles together with fever and later lesions such as pustules,
with the epidemiological background of chickenpox in the community, which would have received during its evolution
as an NSAID treatment, which were under 18 years of age, gender, if they were immunized for chickenpox, the type of
complication, length of hospital stay and morbidity and mortality. A total of 38 cases of complicated chickenpox were
documented. The most frequent was dermatology (61%), followed by respiratory (13%). The most affected gender was
male (65.7%). A significant relationship was found between the history of NSAID administration and the appearance of
complication (p = 0). No case of mortality was reported and none of the patients had the chickenpox vaccine. Based on
the results, it is intended to demonstrate the need to make recommendations on the use of NSAIDs in viral exanthemas
suspected of being chickenpox. The inclusion of the chickenpox vaccine in the vaccination schedule for Mexico is urgent.
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