2021, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2021; 50 (1)
Tuberculosis from a health problem to a biological weapon
Martínez RIM, Díaz RR, Rodríguez BAM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
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Tuberculosis remains as the world's leading infectious killer, but it is not a political priority. With the knowledge of Tuberculosis, it is able to control and eradicate it, as there are proven methods of diagnosis and effective therapeutic schemes. But there are factors that perpetuate the problem, such as social inequality, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the increase in risk populations, the absence of a protective vaccine, deficiencies in Tuberculosis control programs and drug resistance. The development of multi-drug resistant and extremely resistant Tuberculosis reveals a weakening of care services, so Tuberculosis from being a preventable and curable disease, is becoming a virtually incurable disease is considered an indicator of public health negligence. At present, healing is only achieved in 52 % of patients with 21-24-month regimens and a cost per patient of 50,000 to 100,000 US dollars. The increase in multi-resistance and the ability of Tuberculosis to take advantage of and accentuate socioeconomic inequalities in a population, increasing the destabilization of an area or country has led to this disease being included in the list of possible biological weapons. Taking into account the importance of this disease, the factors that can influence its control and its role as a bioterrorist weapon, it was decided to analyze the elements that make Tuberculosis a social disease and a health emergency are analyzed.
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