2022, Number 06
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (06)
Severe leptospirosis in puerperium: a case report
Acuña-Guillén DJ, Vásquez-Palomino Á, Novoa RH
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 543-549
PDF size: 275.19 Kb.
Background: Leptospirosis is a rare infectious complication that could manifest during
pregnancy or puerperium. The most severe form, the Weil syndrome, has elevated
mortality due to septic shock, multiple organ failure and severe bleeding complications.
Clinical case: A 26-year-old female underwent cesarean section due to high risk
of loss of fetal well-being at an outside hospital. On the 4th day postpartum, she
was referred to our center febrile (38-39 ° C), with generalized jaundice, anasarca
and hepatosplenomegaly, with further deterioration into multiorgan dysfunction
syndrome. Elisa IgM was positive for Leptospirosis, specifically for the subtypes
Hursbridge 1/200 and Icterohaemorrhagiae 1/400. On the ninth day after admission,
ceftriaxone was started. Four weeks later, she had clinical improvement and was
discharged in stable condition.
Conclusions: The diagnosis of leptospirosis infection is uncertain during pregnancy
and up to 10% of affected patients could have complications. It is important to monitoring
the fetal well being and determine the proper time of pregnancy termination by
the best route of delivery if there are maternal or fetal indications.
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