2022, Number 3
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Rev Mex Anest 2022; 45 (3)
Liver injury induced by anesthetic drugs
Pérez-Hernández JL, Juárez-García FI, García-Espinosa IA, Medina-Ávalos EJ, Higuera-De TMF
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 188-191
PDF size: 172.11 Kb.
Liver damage by drugs is not so rare, its diagnosis is by exclusion, in some cases can induce acute liver failure. A review of the literature of the drugs most used in anesthetic procedures and the risk that exists of these drugs in the development of liver damage by drugs was carried out; the only drugs that have a higher risk of hepatotoxicity are halogenated inhaled ones, particularly halothane now in disuse, the rest of the drugs are safe.
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