2022, Number 06
Epidemiological characteristics of mortality from congestive heart failure in Costa Rica from 1990 to 2016
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Introduction: Heart failure belongs to diseases of the circulatory system, they represent the first place in the large groups of causes of death in Costa Rica, it occurs mainly in the aging population, improvements in the health system have focused on reducing risk factors of chronic non-communicable diseases. Methodology: the collection of the mortality data was from the INEC, with the I50 coding, from 1990 to 1996, the ICD 9 codes were used, and from 1997 with the codes in the CIE 10; for the compilation of mortality data of each year of study, by province and canton, sex, and number of deaths of each year according to age by five-year period, for the specific cause. Results: it was observed that the age group most affected was over 85 years old and secondly from 80 to 84 years old, followed by 75 to 79 years, mainly the female gender and that the provinces with the highest mortality from heart failure are Alajuela and San José, and Limón was the least affected throughout the period. The implementation of EBAIS, the National Strategies to reduce the impact of chronic non-communicable diseases have been crucial and effective in reducing mortality and improving the quality of life of Costa Ricans. conclusions The promotion of healthy lifestyles, the reduction of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases and the first strategies in 1998 demonstrated a positive impact on mortality figures.REFERENCES
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