2022, Number 1
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Rev Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat 2022; 50 (1)
Mental health education: eroticism and pornography
Souza MM
Language: Spanish
References: 63
Page: 16-25
PDF size: 203.60 Kb.
This communication deals with a hidden reality that is not recognized as its own, nor is it openly discussed in family and/or social spheres, under the pretext of "intimacy", better called "secrecy" which limits mental health education. It seeks to reflect on the motivations and values that provoke it to be part of an educational orientation. Despite being yet another function of the body, it is treated little and ambiguously even among health or education professionals. Healthy sexuality must retain its fundamental principles: mutual consent and overcoming self-censity, so that each person accepts himself and balances individual inclinations and social prejudices and atavisms. Social euphemism "making love" proactively omits eroticism and pornography as elements associated with the act and violates the psychic factors of the individual necessary to contextualize sex education. Eroticism and sexual satisfaction are described as part of culture, as well as the harmful effects of pornography and its consequences are discussed. It describes WHO's goals, procedures, and recommendations on mental health education, emphasizing the consolidation of emotional intimacy, built on sincere communication in the couple, whose "we", develop erotic-sexual capacity within the framework of the premises of mature love, which encourages the optimal development of human potentialities.
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