2022, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (1)
Competencies perception and readiness for interprofessional collaboration in students from the Facultad de Estudios Profesionales Iztacala
Muñoz MSI, Gómez CJF, Amato D, Jiménez MMS, Pineda OJ, Lara BAM, Novales CXJ, Jiménez MCA, Duhart HMG
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 269-289
PDF size: 367.83 Kb.
Interprofessional education is a strategy that allows integrating
collaborative teams from different professions with the aim of improving
efficiency and healthcare enhancement. To implement interprofessional
education actions it is necessary to evaluate the students’ competencies
and their readiness to collaborate with members of other professions. To
assess competencies self-perception and readiness for interprofessional
collaboration in students from the Facultad de Estudios Profesionales
Iztacala, a cross-sectional study was performed with on-line application of
two scales. The first one assessed competencies self-perception, and the
second one, readiness for interprofessional learning in a sample of 126
students from six healthcare professions. Internal consistency of both
instruments used was adequate, with Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.932 and
0.748 respectively. The global score for the instrument to evaluate proficiency
in interprofessional competencies self-perception ranged from 43 to 104, this
last value corresponding to the maximum possible score for this instrument;
median score was 84 and interquartile range was 20. The global score for
the instrument to assess readiness for interprofessional education ranged
from 63 to 114, only two points below the maximum possible score for the
instrument; median score was 85 and interquartile range was 9. The
relevance of measuring students’ attitudes about interprofessional learning
to implement educative reforms that include competencies construction for
interprofessional practice in the healthcare area is highlighted. The
participants perceived themselves with a good management of the
interprofessional competencies. Their readiness for interprofessional
learning was classified as moderate.
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