2022, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (1)
The psychological clinic history in the process of attention to the addict patient
Arias BY, Palma OM, Mercerón FYP, Suárez RCO
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 158-166
PDF size: 265.86 Kb.
The present scientific trial treats of the necessity to register the
addictive behavior in the clinical histories where this document
will reflect the skills in the professionals of mental health in
relation to the addictions. It is taken into account the medical
clinical psychological and psiquiatric histories to adjust the
paragraphs of this document, also the biological, social and
diverse complex soul of the addict person are integrated. More
than the psychopatology in the person, it is necessary to take
into account his/her potential where the social sciences would
win greater autonomy regarding to the related sciences. The
logical-historical method for the scientific study was used, in
addition of a bibliographic supervision abaut the topic.
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