2021, Number 1
Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology in the study of autism spectrum disorders
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 238.44 Kb.
Introduction: Autism spectrum disorders are characterized by social deficits and communication difficulties, as well as restrictive, repetitive behavior patterns, interests and activities. Their causes may be genetic, environmental or related to the development of the central nervous system. Broader knowledge about neuroanatomy and neurophysiology could lead to a better understanding of this neurodevelopmental disorder.Objective: Gain insight into the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of autism spectrum disorders.
Methods: A bibliographic search about the topic was conducted in the databases LILACS, Scopus, SciELO, Pubmed and Medigraphic. A total 13 documents were selected, all of which were original papers approaching the topic from different perspectives. Two of the documents were obtained from Scopus, one from Pubmed, four from Medigraphic, two from LILACS and four from SciELO.
Results: Autism spectrum disorders are caused by a structural and functional alteration of the cerebral cortex. Neuroimaging studies have shown the structural alterations, which mainly occur in the prefrontal cortex and its connections, the principal encephalic region involved in social behavior regulation. New generation genomic sequencing techniques reveal a genetic origin in cases where previous studies have been normal.
Conclusions: Broader knowledge about the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of autism spectrum disorders lead to their better understanding.
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