2022, Number 2
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Rev Biomed 2022; 33 (2)
Spatiotemporal distribution of fungi of clinical importance in the environment of two states of northern Mexico
Macias-Corral MA, González-Martínez MR, González-García DA, Sánchez-Cohen I
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 70-78
PDF size: 525.92 Kb.
Introduction. Some fungi species present in the environment can have serious
implications in human health, particularly in persons with a compromised
immune system. It has been reported that invasive and endemic mycosis
present temporal and geographic variations and are influenced by global
climate changes.
Objective. To determine the spatiotemporal variability of fungi of importance
in public health present in the environment of a region in northern Mexico.
Material and methods. Air sampling was conducted at 18 urban and rural
sites located in Durango and Coahuila at three seasons. A single-stage impactor
was used and Petri dishes with dextrose Sabouraud agar supplemented with
antibiotics were used. Climate data was obtained from the NASA’s Giovanni
Results. Predominant fungi in Durango were
Bipolaris, Cladosporium and
Aspergillus fumigatus which had a cumulative importance index of 50%
while in Coahuila were
Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, Alternaria and
Bipolaris. Sites located in Coahuila recorded a larger precipitation amount in
dates closer to sampling but compared to Durango’s, the cumulative amount
was less. Ambient temperature also influenced the type of fungi found.
Conclusion. Identifying fungi genera can be useful to health professionals for
diagnosis and decision-making regarding mycotic diseases and respiratory
allergies by having specific knowledge about those predominant in a specific
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