2004, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2004; 42 (6)
Hand Washing for Infection Prevention
Casanova CLJ, Castañón GJA
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 519-524
PDF size: 168.20 Kb.
Hand washing represents the easiest way to prevent nosocomial infection. Despite this fact, poor medical adherence to this practice has been the rule, never reaching more than 50 % of the evaluated personnel. It is mandatory to find ways to improve this inadequate health-personnel practice. In that sense, medical journals are the major channels to communicate and share experiences. A search in Latin American indexes with the words “hand washing” or “lavado de manos” yielded only four references, none devoted particularly to this issue. Many medical recommendations that come from the developed world are not applicable to our environment. However, hand-washing recommendations are among the few that are applicable worldwide. Hand-washing practice should be encouraged in all areas where patients are treated.
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