2022, Number 2
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Rev Biomed 2022; 33 (2)
Comparation between anthropometric measurements did by nursing, medicine, nutrition students; and a certified evaluator
Viera-Barbeito A, Romero-Campos S, González-Marenco R, Tuz-Poot F, Medina-Escobedo M
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 62-69
PDF size: 144.15 Kb.
Introduction. Anthropometric measurements (AM) are part of the clinical
Objective. To compare AM made by nursing interns (NI), nutrition (NUI),
undergraduate interns medical (UIM), and a certified evaluator (GS).
Methods. observational, cross-concordance design; weight, height and waist
circumference (WC) measurements were compared; diagnoses by body mass
index (BMI) and WC, carried out by NI, NUI, UIM and GS. Subjects aged ≥18
years were evaluated; those with BMI ≥40 kg/m2, edema or ascites, difficulty
in standing, malformations and pregnant women were excluded. The Shapiro-
Wilk test, one-way ANOVA and post hoc Dunnett’s T, intraclass correlation
coefficient and Kappa index were used.
Results. There were no significant differences in the mean values of
the measurements between the evaluators. Almost perfect quantitative
concordances were observed between the students and the GS for weight and
height (ICC=0.9992-0.9995, CI95%=0.9850-0.9999; -1.8 to 0.1 kg and -4.7 to
3.7 cm), but lower for the WC (ICC=0.8986-0.9436, CI95%=0.8247-0.9683;
-16.6 to 9.7 cm). Qualitative agreement was observed for the BMI of the UIM,
NUI and NI (K=0.68-0.71, CI95%= 0.59-0.79); almost perfect according to the
WC of the UIM (K=0.86, CI95%=0.72-1), considerable with that of the NUI
and NI (K=0.65-0.78, CI95%=0.44-0.96), when compared with the GS.
Conclusions. The NUI presented greater quantitative agreement with the
GS. A higher qualitative concordance of NUI for BMI and UIM for WC was
observed, compared to GS.
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