2022, Number 3
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2022; 65 (3)
Health and Environment
Moreno SAR
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 8-18
PDF size: 270.11 Kb.
Since the Industrial Revolution, human activities have
caused various and significant effects on the planet widely
investigated and reported. Human beings and the rest
of living beings have a permanent interdependence with
the environment, which has become more evident today.
Damage to the quality of water, air and soil, coupled with
the progressive deterioration and loss of ecosystems and
the effects on flora and fauna, have led to changes that
translate into dangers and risks of various kinds and importance
for human health, either short term or long term.
These environmental changes are accompanied and enhanced
by social, economic, cultural and political factors,
whose impacts on health are manifested at the local, regional
and even global levels. This article describes the main
environmental changes and their adverse effects on health,
highlighting the importance of physicians considering them
in their daily dealings with patients and their families, particularly
when vulnerable populations have been identified. It
concludes with the recommendation that the health sector
show greater interest in the environment and health issue,
adopting leadership to strengthen environmental public
health programs with intersectoral and interdisciplinary
approaches. Let’s hope that the health field and its environmental
base constitute the comprehensive training of
human resources and promote research that provides elements
to define and implement successful public policies.
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