2021, Number 1
Scientific production of professors from the Atherosclerosis Research Master's Degree program
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 1-24
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Soon to receive accreditation of its teaching process, and with the distinguishing feature of gathering professors from various institutions, the Center for Atherosclerosis Research and Reference in Havana has carried out an evaluation of its scientific production. The purpose of the evaluation was to characterize the scientific production of professors from the Atherosclerosis Research Master's Degree program in its last three editions (2014-2018). To achieve such an end, a retrospective descriptive bibliometric study was conducted. Use was made of Google Scholar and the Infomed book section to access the publications contributed by professors. The evaluation covered scientific production, collaboration obtained and impact achieved. A total 326 publications were found. The year 2015 was the most productive, and journal papers were the most commonly published document type. A total 13 teachers were the most prolific authors. Of the papers published, 2/3 were found in 57 different journals. 84% of the papers were written by more than one author, students and teachers participated in 20%, 42% were headed by members of our faculty, and 49% were cited by part of the rest of the scientific community. A single paper was ranked as excellent. Immediacy index was 0.2, whereas h index was 16. Sixteen bibliographic indices were formed. Scientific production by the faculty was found to be abundant, somewhat dispersed, covering the topics in the master's degree program, which is characterized by a reduction in the number of publications, the non-declaration of the institution and the non-uniformity in authors' names. Impact is present in few publications. Evidence was found of the faculty's capacity to publish, basically in high-impact journals. The collaboration existing between authors was also revealed.REFERENCES
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