2021, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2021; 32 (1)
Training aspiring PhDs in the advanced use of the reference manager EndNote
Rodríguez CL, López CZS
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-24
PDF size: 619.03 Kb.
Development and management of bibliographic references is a very important task in the research process. This activity continues to be a challenge for many researchers, despite the progress achieved in the field in terms of computer support. Access to and use of Internet-based information is a permanent premise in current research requiring immediacy in the enhancement of researchers' reference management skills, in keeping with recent technical advances. Reference managers are computer tools offering automated services for the bibliographic organization of references obtained from other publications. One of the most widely disseminated and commonly used managers is EndNote, which was revisited in the present study with a population of 23 aspiring PhDs from the Information Sciences University (UCI), with the purpose of revealing the results obtained by the implementation of a training program for the development of advanced skills intended for aspiring PhDs. As a result, three levels of actions aimed at the command of this tool were proposed: basic, advanced and expert, reflecting the degree of complexity exhibited by the functions performed by the software. The aspiring PhDs in the UCI group showed better knowledge and know-how about EndNote actions and operations than in their initial diagnosis. This was evidence of their progress from a basic to an advanced level.
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