2022, Number 1
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Rev Educ Bioquimica 2022; 41 (1)
El tejido adiposo y la respuesta de macrófagos en el proceso inflamatorio y resistencia a insulina
Maldonado VM, Calderón SJV
Language: Spanish
References: 72
Page: 3-17
PDF size: 341.18 Kb.
Adipose tissue is physiologically a very active organ that, in addition to storing
lipids, is an endocrine tissue. It could be hypertrophy and hyperplasia due to the
imbalance between intake and energy expenditure. It has an endocrine function and
communication with the nervous system and coordination with different tissues,
which is why it intervenes in the physiological processes of hunger and satiety, in
addition to the accumulation and release of lipids for metabolic purposes. Additionally,
it interacts with the immune system, mainly adipose tissue macrophages. In
adipocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia, activation signals are presented in type
M2 macrophages, changing the phenotype to M1 macrophages that are involved
in oxidative and proinflammatory states, favoring the release of pro-inflammatory
cytokines IL-6, IL-1β and TNFα. The hormonal dysregulation mainly of leptin and
insulin, chronic inflammation, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of adipose tissue generate
changes in both the insulin receptor and substrate, which is hyperphosphorylated,
inactivating the pathway and causing insulin resistance. This review describes the
metabolic functions of adipocytes, their endocrine function and their interaction with
adipose tissue macrophages in the process of chronic inflammation in obesity.
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