2021, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (4)
El acontecimiento: covid 19, confinamiento e impacto en la docencia
Palomino GL, Vargas FJJ, Tron ÁR, Vargas IG, Hernández LML
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1608-1625
PDF size: 170.56 Kb.
The presence of the virus "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom"
SARS-2 COVID 19, has been an event that has modified life
worldwide, its presence as a high-lethality pandemic required
extreme measures that altered quotidian life. Due to the novel
virus, there were no treatments that would allow to stop the
damage caused by the pathogen and because its replicability
depends on other organisms that act as hosts, public health
policies propose isolation to stop contagion. Living in confinement
was the measure of control of the problem, in that condition,
continuity was given to social relations, work, education, where
these were three spheres that continued to adapt to that condition.
It is therefore important to reflect on confinement and its
implications in the forms of subjectivation since that this form of life
has diverse edges that are important to analyze. Due to the
international confinement policies, face-to-face education moved to
a distance modality and with the support of technological tools.
After two school cycles came vaccination and then, with limited
control of the problem, the new normality returns to the
classrooms, however it is important to reflect on that moment in
terms of the significance of this event. In the first section,
confinement is critically analyzed, evidencing the logic of power
derived from confinement policies that in a veiled, surreptitious
way, affect the processes of subjectivation. The second section
refers to the inclusion of technology from two angles, the student
as a digital native and the docent as a digital migrant; this is due to
the fact that although some docents are part of this group, most of
the classroom teaching uses technology as support. In the third
section, some considerations about the importance of school
education are pointed out, emphasizing how this space is
irreplaceable by technology.
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