2021, Number 2
A nursing approach to the concept of risk
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-18
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Introduction: The term risk, although frequently mentioned in the health context, still needs an updated and documented analysis. The nursing professional is continuously exposed to risk, a reason why this concept must be addressed among the fundamentals of the discipline and the profession. Biological risks have been implicitly addressed by nursing theories, demonstrating the need for analysis in its context.Objective: To systematize the term risk in the nursing context.
Methods: Systematic review carried out during May-August 2020, in view of a critical-reflective analysis of the contents of documents published in Spanish from 2001 to 2020, with a clear methodology and selected theoretical framework. The following keywords identified in DeCS were used: riesgo [risk], peligro [danger], vulnerabilidad [vulnerability], enfermería[nursing] and cuidados de enfermería [nursing cares], as well as the Boolean operators AND and OR. The search was carried out in the databases SciELO, Dialnet, Google Scholar and Index. The flow chart (PRISMA) was used to formulate the search strategy. Critical evaluation of the thirteen studies included, from the 69 studies found, was carried out, together with content analysis.
Conclusions: The systematization and analysis of the term risk in the nursing context implies how relevant the distinction between risk and danger is within the context of health and care. During the systematization, conceptual links were established between risk and the historical evolution of nursing, which led to the definition of risk for the nursing professional.
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