2022, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2022; 24 (2)
Psychological Abuse of Couple: When the Male is Affected
Leal HM, Lozano SML, Román GC, Pérez VM
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 113-125
PDF size: 328.84 Kb.
Objective: Using the PMWI-SF test, analyze the prevalence of psychological partner abuse in heterosexual men
with a stable partner who consult their family doctor for anxiety and / or depressive symptoms.
Descriptive and cross-sectional study through the application of a survey for the assessment of psychological
abuse in the couple carried out in an Urban Health Center in Murcia, Spain. Sixty men who consulted for anxiety
and / or depression, and 60 women with similar characteristics were analyzed. A control group of 60 men and
60 women who consulted for other reasons and of a similar age was also analyzed. The PMWI-SF Psychological
Maltreatment of Women Inventory test was applied to all participants, specifically designed to assess
psychological abuse in the partner.
Results: The mean score was 45.74 ± 12.26 points in the group of men who
consulted for anxiety and / or depression (p ‹0.05 with respect to each of the other three groups), 40.94 ±
12.32 points in women who consulted for anxiety and / or depression (p ‹0.05 with respect to each of the other
three groups), 33.54 ± 11.10 points in the control group of men who consulted for other reasons (p ‹ 0.05 with
respect to men who consulted for anxiety and / or depression and p ‹0.05 with respect to women who consulted
anxiety and / or depression) and 35.99 ± 11.42 points in the control group of women who consulted for other
reasons (p ‹0.05 with respect to men who consult for anxiety and / or depression and p ‹0.05 with respect to
women who consult anxiety and / or depression).
Conclusions: The psychological abuse of women towards
men is of a significant magnitude, despite its lower social and legal significance than that of men towards women.
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