2021, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2021; 20 (1)
Assessment of the efficacy of improved recovery protocols in cardiac surgery. Randomized Clinical Trial Protocol
Agüero MMO, Abi-Rezk MN, Ortega HR, Barreto PJ, Cruz BR, Colao JY, Padrón MFD, Rodríguez RK, Herrera AM, Hidalgo AT, Vásquez BB, Valdés OM
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 385.09 Kb.
There are multiple articles published that address the subject of open science and its importance for society, especially for the research community. This constitutes, inevitably, the present and future of scientific journals as a method of expanding research with high quality and credibility. Open science, as a movement, has several components including the management of citations and references of data, codes and materials, which support the need for authors to have available the underlying content of the articles published and constituting the base for the results obtained in each investigation.
Assessment of the efficacy of improved recovery protocols in cardiac surgery.
The proposed protocol was prepared by the main researcher (Cuban public registry of clinical trials: RPCEC00000304) and is described according to the recommendations of the international checklist for clinical trials (SPIRIT).
They would be related to whether it can be demonstrated, after the end of the investigation, if the protocol reason for the intervention is better, equal to, or worse than the control protocol.
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