2021, Number 1
Assessment of the adverse effect of tramadol compared to lidocaine in the oncologic intraoperative in canines
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 417.52 Kb.
Introduction: Study and treatment of pain has been one of the most important concerns in the last thirty years in the worldwide medical field. For several decades, international studies have been carried out on the effect of tramadol and lidocaine as intraoperative analgesics, in order to achieve adequate analgesia during surgical procedures and the immediate postoperative period.Objective: To compare the analgesic effect of tramadol and lidocaine during the intraoperative period in canines scheduled for surgical intervention.
Method: A prospective, comparative study was carried out with animals scheduled for surgical treatment due to peripheral tumors. Ten animals were included, divided into two groups: the control group, which received lidocaine without preservation in continuous infusion during the surgical procedure, and group 1, which was administered intravenous tramadol prior to the surgical act. Hemodynamic and oxygenation variables were assessed as indirect indicators of intraoperative pain.
Results: The sample was homogeneous for age and sex. The behavior of the hemodynamic variables was more stable during the lidocaine infusion. Peripheral oxygen saturation was similar in both drugs, as well as temperature.
Conclusions: Intravenous infusion of lidocaine without preservation during the intraoperative period in oncological canines showed better analgesic effectiveness compared to tramadol applied preoperatively, according to the parameters assessed.
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