2022, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2022; 21 (2)
Psychological characteristics, lifestyles and eating habits in university students in Medellín, Colombia
Serna OMI, Obando NMP, Acosta GDS, Pérez SSI, Botero BM
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 9-19
PDF size: 224.77 Kb.
Introduction: Social support on social networks are those online relationships that are maintained with a relative basis of
sincerity, support and trust that can be resorted to if necessary.
Objective: To determine the relationship and differences
between the perceived social support in social networks with sociodemographic variables in university students of two public
institutions belonging to the North and South of Mexico (Monterrey and Minatitlan).
Material and method: Exploratory
design. The sample consisted of 304 university students with non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. The Spearman,
Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test was used considering the statistical significance of p‹ 0.05.
Results: Significant
differences were found, with greater perceived social support in students from the northern area and in lower semesters.
There were no significant differences with respect to sex. A negative relationship was found between perceived social support
with the semester (rs=-202, p‹.05) and age (rs=-286, p‹.05).
Conclusions: University students in less advanced semesters
receive greater social support from social networks and as they progress it is diminished, so also at a younger age greater
perception of social support. It is important to develop support strategies in social networks that strengthen emotional and
cognitive aspects of students during their training.
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