2021, Number 2
Guía metodológica para la ejecución de un seminario panel en la especialidad de Embriología
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Introduction: teaching, more than an exercise, is a way of life. The teacher has to start from being clear about his educational philosophy because, based on it, he will direct all his actions in the teaching-learning process. The seminar is an organizational form in which students consolidate, expand, deepen, discuss, integrate and generalize the oriented content.Objective: to prepare a methodological guide for the execution of a panel-type seminar in the specialty of Embryology.
Development: Cuba, starting in the new millennium, intensifies the transformations in the educational sector and applies the most modern trends in training, in search of a revolutionary educational model that uses new forms and methods to improve the teaching-learning process. That is why we propose the execution of a panel-type seminar, which from the methodological point of view will consist of three fundamental parts, in which the teacher and the students fulfill well-defined functions. As a tool for this evaluation, a holistic rubric was designed.
Conclusions: the development of a methodological guide for the execution of a panel seminar in the specialty of Embryology will facilitate the creativity of students and teachers, as well as their preparation and self-preparation, which will, in turn, promote higher quality of the process teaching-learning.
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