2021, Number 2
Characterization of patients with hepatients with hepatitis c in the hemodialysis service.Cienfuegos 2019
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 208-219
PDF size: 614.11 Kb.
Background: Infection by the hepatitis c virus has been recognized as a health problem worldwide.Objective: To determine the characteristics of patients with hepatitis C receiving treatment in the Hemodialysis Service of the Cienfuegos Specialized Outpatient Center from January 2019 to August 2019.
Methodology: An observational, descriptive, longitudinal retrospective study was carried out with the 54 Hemodialysis patients with Hepatitis C. The variables used were: age, sex, place of origin, type of vascular access and time in treatment. The database of the Provincial Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology in Cienfuegos was used as a source of information.
Results: The highest percentage of people with hepatitis C was concentrated between 50 to 54 years old; The average age being 53 years, the male sex stood out for the 84.93%, with the municipality of Cienfuegos predominating as the place of residence. Regarding the type of vascular access, the arterio-venous fistula contributed the 98.14%, while the treatment time that prevailed was more than 3 years for the 77.8%.
Conclusions: Hepatitis C in the hemodialysis service showed a similar behavior as described in the literature.
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