2021, Number 02
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MediSan 2021; 25 (02)
Some basics of the regenerative endodontics with stem cells in the non-vital immature permanent tooth
Santiago DE, La O SNO, Castellanos CI, Marzo SR
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 470-488
PDF size: 1252.10 Kb.
The regenerative endodontics comprises a group of biological procedures that are made in the permanent teeth with non-formed apex and pulpar necrosis whose end is to substitute the damaged tissues, including the dentine and radicular structure, as well as the cells of the dentin pulp complex. The cellular and molecular basis of this therapy are described in this work, sustained in a complex interaction between the dental stem cells of the apical papilla, the growth factors and biomaterials with the microenvironment where it will be recover. Likewise, it was argued how the environmental conditions in which the therapeutic process is carried out influence in the regeneration, with an essential function in the regulation of the differentiation of tissues.
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