2022, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (1)
Survival analysis and associated factors in patients with cervical cancer financed by the Seguro Popular in Mexico
Torreglosa-Hernández S, Grisales-Romero H, Morales-Carmona E, Hernández-Ávila JE, Huerta-Gutiérrez R, Barquet-Muñoz SA, Palacio-Mejía LS
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 76-86
PDF size: 733.27 Kb.
Objective. Estimate five-year survival from cervical cancer
and associated factors in Mexican patients financed by Seguro
Popular during the period 2006-2014.
Materials and
methods. We analyzed the database of patients financed
by the Catastrophic Expenses Protection Fund and linked it
to the Statistical and Epidemiological System of mortality. We
performed a five-year survival analysis by clinical stage and
associated factors, using the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox
proportional hazards models.
Results. Overall survival for
cervical cancer at five years was 68.5%. The associated factors
were the clinical stage: locoregional (HR=2.8 CI95% HR:
2.6,3.0) and metastatic (HR=5.4 CI95% HR: 4.9,5.9) compared
to early stage and age (HR=1.003 CI95% HR:1.001,1.004).
Conclusions. Women who gained access to Catastrophic
Expenses Protection Fund cervical cancer care had similar
survival than that reported in other studies.
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