2021, Number 1
Stomatology students' criteria on distance education in a Morphophysiology subject in times of COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 327.32 Kb.
Introduction: the COVID-19 pandemic caused the change to the non-face-to-face modality in higher education in Cuba.Objective: to assess the criteria of first-year Stomatology students on distance education in the subject "Hormonal regulation of metabolism and reproduction", during the pandemic.
Methods: pedagogical research of Stomatology Faculty of Camagüey that covered the period from April to June 2020. It included the 22 students from the first year of medical career, to whom a survey was applied with a questionnaire containing 10 statements. The Likert scale with five categories and a score from five to one was used to express total agreement, agreement, indecision, disagreement or total disagreement. The total mean per item was calculated, as well as the mean of agreements, disagreements and indecision. Ethical principles were met.
Results: the criteria on WhatsApp, mail, telephones and the teacher in the process, obtained the best results with means greater than four. The lowest scores (mean 2,50) were given to cognitive independence and preparation for the assessment; 68,18 % of the students agreed with the quality of the tasks, evaluations and the role of the teacher.
Conclusions: the students considered the role of the teacher crucial, and did not develop their cognitive independence or feel prepared to face a satisfactory evaluation of the subject. The information presented will be relevant to plan the face-to-face stage based on the success and quality of the teaching process.
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