2021, Number 1
Virtual distance education in stomatological specialties in times of COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 430.67 Kb.
Introduction: distance education in the virtual environment for stomatological specialties constitutes a new option in Cuban medical education in the face of COVID-19.Objective: to describe the main achievements of distance education in the virtual modality, in the stomatological residency regime during COVID-19.
Methods: a pedagogical research was carried out at the Provincial Teaching Stomatological Clinic of Santiago de Cuba, between March and July 2020. It worked with the 52 residents enrolled in stomatological specialties. The analytical-synthetic and hypothetical-deductive theoretical methods were used, and as empirical the documentary analysis of the study programs and the reports of the Teaching Vice-Directorate.
Results: residents of the specialty of comprehensive general stomatology (36,54 %), those enrolled in the second year (46,15 %) and those relocated in the active research of patients (69,23 %) predominated, with respect to those who were kept in emergency consultations (30,77 %). The 13 final modules of the residency regime and 100,00 % of the pre-defense exercises were developed virtually.
Conclusions: distance education in the virtual environment was an adequate tool to continue and conclude the training of residents in stomatological specialties, in the epidemiological scenario of COVID-19.
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