2021, Number 1
Risk factors for high blood pressure in a family doctor's office
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-15
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Introduction: arterial hypertension is the most frequent chronic disease and there are several factors associated with its appearance.Objective: to identify the association of some risk factors in the presentation of arterial hypertension in the population of the family doctor's office 17.
Methods: an analytical observational study of cases and controls matched 1: 1 was carried out from a universe of 97 dispensed in office 17 of the “Mario Páez Inchausti” Polyclinic of Gaspar from Baraguá municipality in Ciego de Ávila province, 2016. The magnitude of the association and the percentage attributable risk were calculated and the factors were analyzed: family history, sedentary lifestyle, presence of hypercholesterolemia, obesity and smoking. Ethical principles were met.
Results: all variables increase the risk of hypertension. Sedentary lifestyle (OR=10.8) and a history of hypertension (OR=10.75) increase the risk by more than 10 times, obesity (OR=8,0) by eight, and the presence of hypercholesterolemia (OR=3,6) and smoking (OR=3.11) more than three times. The estimated population attributable risk values indicated that the incidence of hypertension can be reduced by more than 50% if these risk habits are modified in the population.
Conclusion: a considerable association was demonstrated between family history of hypertension, the presence of hypercholesterolemia, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and smoking. The importance of community work in the control or elimination of these factors to reduce the incidence of the disease in this population is discussed.
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