2021, Number 1
A bad dream. About a child neglect case report
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 137-147
PDF size: 520.32 Kb.
Abuse may emerge involuntarily in situations of child abuse due to inattention or neglect and family dysfunctions. In this specific case it was due to child abuse and family abandonment. The purpose of the authors was to raise awareness and hold Haitian families, health personnel, and the community in general responsible for children’s care in order to modify behaviors, and at the same time, prevent the worsening of child abuse situations. The article was organized in two different parts: an introductory framework collected, in general, some of the literature’s contributions on child abuse in the first part, particularly, abuse due to neglect or family inattention; the situation of an infant belonging to the Grande Riviere Du Nord community from the North department of Haiti, was described and analyzed in the second part.REFERENCES
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