2021, Number 1
Influence of preconceptional risk on maternal health
Language: Spanish
References: 6
Page: 107-112
PDF size: 313.81 Kb.
Preconception risk is conditioned by a series of factors, diseases or unique or associated circumstances that can have an unfavorable impact on the mother - child binomial during pregnancy, delivery or puerperium. The prevention of disease and death during the reproductive process is one of the fundamental pillars for the development of reproductive health. Maternal morbidity is one of the most important aspects to reflect on. The objective of this research is to assess the influence of preconception risk on maternal health. It is essential, not only in the care of pregnant women, but also for those women who want to be mothers at some point in their life. A new approach has been adopted towards preconception risk with actions that contribute to improve sexual and reproductive health at this stage in the lives of men and women.REFERENCES
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