2021, Number 1
Ocular convergence, facial and body symmetry in children from 5 to 12 years old affected by crossbite
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 73-91
PDF size: 494.30 Kb.
Introduction: the human body remains standing thanks to the existing balance between different kinesiological planes; the alteration of one of them will suppose a mismatch in all body's structures. Crossbite is a frequent malocclusion in daily practice, which requires an early diagnosis and treatment plan, since the modifications it causes at different levels increase with age, which produces important asymmetries that can be expressed facially and bodily.Objective: to determine ocular convergence, facial and body symmetry in children affected by crossbites, aged 5 to 12 years and belonging to primary schools from the urban area of Quemado de Güines municipality.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in primary schools from the urban area of Quemado de Güines municipality from November 2014 to June 2016. A non-probabilistic sample that included patients aged 5 to 12 years, diagnosed with crossbite, who were authorized to participate in the study by their parents or guardians and had not received previous orthodontic treatment was selected.
Results: 8-year-old children predominated (40%). Only 3 children showed no ocular convergence disorder. On the other hand, 5 children were symmetric (facial symmetry), and in relation to body symmetry: only 2 children were symmetric.
Conclusions: a significant relationship among crossbites, ocular convergence, facial and body symmetry was determined.
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