2021, Number 1
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MEDICC Review 2021; 23 (1)
Evaluating Cerebral Perfusion in Alzheimer Patients and First-Degree Relatives: Lessons from Artemisa Province, Cuba
Peña-Quián, Yamilé; Sosa-Pérez, Saily; Batista-Cuéllar, Juan F; Rodríguez-Tanty, Chryslaine; Torres-Aroche, Leonel A; Luz-Sánchez, Elvia; Romero-Collado, Susana
Language: English
References: 34
Page: 55-63
PDF size: 644.66 Kb.
INTRODUCTION Alzheimer disease is related to several risk factors
including aging, family history, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Studies have shown specifi c regional cerebral perfusion changes
in patients with Alzheimer disease. Some authors state that these
changes could appear years before patient memory becomes
impaired, enabling early diagnosis in high-risk persons who appear
to be healthy.
OBJECTIVE Determin e the usefulness of cerebral perfusion studies
in Alzheimer patients and fi rst-degree relatives for obtaining additional
diagnostic information and detecting functional changes that may
suggest elevated disease risk.
METHODS This study involved 128 persons (87 clinically diagnosed
with Alzheimer disease and 41 of their fi rst-degree relatives with
normal cognition), all from Artemisa Province, Cuba. We performed
clinical, laboratory, neuropsychological and genetic (apolipoprotein
E—ApoE, e4 allele) tests, as well as cerebral perfusion studies using
single photon emission computed tomography after administering
740–925 MBq of 99m Tc-ECD, following internationally standardized
RESULTS In the Alzheimer disease group, the cerebral single photon
emission computed tomography showed a typical Alzheimer pattern
(bilateral posterior temporal-parietal hypoperfusion) in 77% (67/87)
of participants; 35.9% (28/67) in stage 1; 51.3% (40/67) in stage 2;
and 12.8% (10/67) in stage 3 of the disease. In this group, 12.7%
(11/87) had mild or unilateral cerebral perfusion changes; 5.7% (5/87)
vascular dementia; 3.4% (3/87) frontal dementia; and 1.2% (1/87)
normal cerebral perfusion. Of the patients, 28.7% (25/87) received a
different classifi cation of stage and disease diagnosis after cerebral
perfusion results were considered. In the relative group, 14.6% (6/41)
had c erebral perfusion abnormalities. Among these, 7.1% (3/41)
were mild bilateral temporal–parietal hypoperfusion; 4.8% (2/41)
mild unilateral temporal–parietal hypoperfusion; and 2.4% (1/41) had
perfusion defecits in their right frontal lobes. Of patients with typical
Alzheimer disease patterns in the cerebral single photon emission
computed tomography, 76.6% (52/67) had positive ApoE e4. All
relatives with perfusion abnormalities (6/6) had positive ApoE e4.
CONCLUSIONS Cerebral perfusion studies confi rmed the Alzheimer
disease diagnosis, classifi ed disease stages, and differentiated
between the types of dementia. The test s howed perfusion changes
in several asymptomatic fi rst-degree relatives with positive ApoE e4,
which could be predictors of disease. The technique was useful for
evaluating patients and their relatives.
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